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6 - 10 years old

Habi's primary program is based on the Key Stage 1 & 2 of the British Curriculum. It focuses on oral communication, reading, writing, and listening and understanding.

In class, more emphasis is placed on oral communication.


Our students are constantly encouraged to speak English to improve their pronunciation and build their confidence, especially through conversation activities.

Our teachers work closely with them on a personalized basis to help them acquire the necessary skills to read, write, understand, and speak English with confidence and fluency.


Key Stage 1 or KS1 (6 to 7 years old):

Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts of English. They learn to communicate effectively in oral and written forms, to read and understand simple texts, to write simple sentences, to use basic grammar and punctuation, and to familiarize themselves with basic vocabulary.

Our teachers use interactive and age-appropriate learning methods to help students learn effectively. This may include activities such as role-playing, group discussions, reading aloud, and written exercises. Students may also learn songs and rhymes to improve their pronunciation and memory, as well as to develop their interest in the English language.

Key Stage 2 or KS2 (7 to 10 years old):

Students continue to improve their communication skills in oral and written forms, to read more complex texts, to write longer stories and descriptions, to understand advanced grammar and punctuation, and to develop their vocabulary.

The program may include activities such as reading fiction and non-fiction texts, analyzing and writing more sophisticated texts, understanding figures of speech and writing techniques, learning advanced grammar rules, and exploring different literary genres such as poems, plays, and novels. Students may also participate in reading aloud, debate, and oral presentation activities to improve their communication skills.

Years old

In the Year 2 and Year 3 programme:

Blending Phonics: Children reinforce their knowledge of phonics. They must be able to master the 7 phases and blend sounds without difficulty. Jolly Phonics is used to facilitate the assimilation of sounds in a playful way.

Spelling words and Sight words (vocabulary): In relation to the phonic of the week, spelling words enrich the children's vocabulary and allow them to construct short sentences.

Grammar: Children must be able to construct sentences correctly. To do this, they actively work on the grammar programs of Year 2 and 3.

Comprehension: Explanation of literary, historical, or scientific texts, relatively short.

Maths: Or the art and way of approaching mathematics differently depending on the relatively complex programs of Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.

Topic: Each week, a theme taken from the historical program of the British Curriculum or the school's cultural celebrations calendar is addressed.

Art and Craft: Children work on a common or individual artistic project. It may be related to the theme of the week.

Years old

For Year 4 to Year 6:

Spelling & Topic words: Respectively related to the sound and theme of the week, spelling words continue to enrich children's vocabulary. They help structure their thinking, improve their eloquence, and fuel stories and essays developed at home.

Grammar: Children learn to construct richer and more complex sentences. To do so, they actively work on the grammar programs of Year 4 & 6.

Comprehension: Explanation of literary, historical, or scientific texts, relatively long and complex. Questions are asked that children must answer rigorously and precisely.

Writing: A composition task in which children must argue or demonstrate creativity.

Topic: Each week, a theme drawn from the British Curriculum program or the school's celebration calendar is approached from a cultural and historical perspective. Visual supports are used to engage in an exciting debate.

Art & Craft: Children work on a collaborative or individual artistic project. It may be related to the theme of the week.


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The primary school program focuses on acquiring language, comprehension, and communication skills using fun and interactive learning approaches.

Our teachers can use a variety of resources, including books, websites, oral and written expression activities, and games to help students learn English effectively.

Show & Tell sessions are organized so that children can share and interact with their classmates freely and without inhibition.

Every week, students receive homework and one or more books of their choice from the library's collection of 2000 titles. The youngest students are usually given a book based on their level, carefully selected by their teachers from the valuable Oxford Reading Tree books collection.

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